Many wonderful things…
Many wonderful things to hear, to see
Belong to you, belong to me!
The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,
The yellow moon that’s passing by.
The blowing winds, the birds that sing,
Bright autumn woods, gay flowers of spring,
The cold long winter with snow so white,
The running rivers, the stars of night.
Аватарки староватые знаю.
6 комментариев
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maria - 15.12.2013, 10:08
Возьму:2,3 и 9.Красиво.
НАЙЛООБОЖАТЕЛЬ - 15.12.2013, 10:11
~Do more of what makes you happy~ - 15.12.2013, 10:43
Возьму 6, 8:)) Восхитительно *-*
-Supernatural girl- - 15.12.2013, 11:57
10 моя *о*
Elizabeth Grey - 15.12.2013, 12:05
Hikaru ▼ - 15.12.2013, 16:13
7 и 9 забераю